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How to install Channels app

Learn how to quickly install and set up the Channels mobile app on your device

To install Channels app you’ll need to head to the App Store or Google Play and download it. For app to work properly your devices must have at least iOS 10 or Android 7. The only additional requirement is an internet connection!

To start calling simply log in with your credentials. If you don't have an account you can easily create a fully functional 7-day free trial straight in the app itself. After successful signing in, you can enjoy this handy calling tool on the go! Note that major account configurations can be done in the Manager Panel which you can access with your internet browser here.

After successful signing in, please give app all of the necessary permissions. You can read more about them right here.

I am stuck on an error! What do I do?

 Wrong password error
If you have hard time recalling the password, please use reset password option which is available after entering your email address. Email with password reset will be sent to the provided address.

Sorry, no subscription selected
To have access to the features of Channels you need to select a monthly plan. Please choose the Plan in the Accounts settings in order to continue. You can do it in the web browser right
here and read more about it here. In case you have any questions or feel stuck, you can contact our 24/7 support!

Sorry, your account has expired
Subscription on your account expired and it needs to be renewed. You can check the state of your paid Plan in the web browser under
this address or contact our 24/7 support to assist you!

Sorry, lack of funds on the account
Please add funds to your calling balance in the Balance section of the account details right here or contact our support.

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