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Connect Channels with Make(Integromat)

Learn how to integrate Channels with Make (Integromat)

Make lets you design, build, and automate anything - from tasks and workflows to apps and systems - in a few clicks without any coding.

In Make you can create automated connections called scenarios. A scenario is composed of various modules which perform the actions like collecting data and sending it to a different app.

Connecting Channels to Make

To connect Channels with Make you'll need the API key from your account. To get it go to Integrations > API key. Generate the API key if you haven't yet and copy it. Also copy the Account.

In a Make Scenario create any Channels module (except Watch Incoming Call Status) and click "Add" to create a connection. Enter a name for the connection, then paste the API key and Account from Channels.

Good job! Channels is now connected with Make. You can start integrating it with your other apps. To make it easier we have some example integrations for you:

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